Cloud PACSPostDICOM deal with the hosting, retrieval and maintenance of medical data. You can store, view, create reports and share them with patients and doctors.
Diagnostic DICOM ViewerPostDICOM offers CE certified Diagnostic DICOM Viewer on top of its CloudPACS solution.
Medical Image TeachingPostDICOM offers tools to medical universities and instructors to create a DICOM teaching library containing DICOM images and reports.
Medical Image SharingDo not hassle with patient DICOM CDs/DVs and do not waste time on waiting them to be delivered.
PostDICOM as a DICOM CD PublisherBy the help of PostDICOM, you don’t have to worry about cost of DICOM CD/DVD Publisher and its consumables.
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Solutions for
Clinics/HospitalsUse PostDICOM as your PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) solution.
PatientsOpen a PostDICOM account, store your DICOM images on PostDICOM and share them with your doctors.
Universities/InstructorsUpload your teaching materials, create DICOM Library and use them to teach your students.
VeterinariansStore and view your animal patients data in the cloud effortlessly.
Law OfficesStore your client's DICOM images and clinical documents related to malpractice cases.
API/FHIR IntegrationsUse PostDICOM API and FHIR interfaces to integrate PostDICOM to your applications.
Clinical ResearchAnonymize clinical research images, store them on PostDICOM and share them with researchers
Mobile RadiologyCreate worklist items for mobile imaging devices and send the worklist items to them.
Application Interface - HelpPostDICOM Viewer desktop, tablet and mobile interfaces.
Medical Device CommunicatorMedical Device Communicator installation and configuration.
PostDICOM API DocumentationPostDICOM API functions and their usages.
DICOM Modality & TagsDICOM Tags and its descriptions.
General InformationTopics related to the DICOM, PACS etc.